Did you know? You can quickly create, edit, preview and apply themes to your experiences with Theme Builder, a new application available now in the ServiceNow Store. Check it out


Expects a number that will multiply some other value like size, weight, etc. Usually 1 will be the default value and result in the value staying the same. A number like 1.25 will result in a larger value that is 125% of the default. A number like 0.8 will result in a smaller value that is 80% of the default. Some properties only support a scale value in a specific range, e.g. only from 0.9 - 1.1.

  • Format: <integer|decimal>
  • Also accepts a reference to another style hook with the same schema
  • Example: 0.5 for 50% of default, 1.5% for 150% of default